26 February 2017 - 30 Shevat 5777 - ל' שבט ה' אלפים תשע"ז
One to One Interview
Rabbi Marvin Tokayer - rediscovering Jewish history in Asia Print E-mail

Rabbi Marvin Tokayer continues to travel on unknown roads that reveal the history of our people in Asia. He has traveled many miles from his birthplace in Brooklyn, New York, from West to East and back again countless times on the most unusual journey.

Following his study at the Jewish Theological Seminary of American and his Orthodox Rabbinic ordination in 1962, he enlisted in the United States Air Force as he was informed that, unlike the draftees, he would be able to choose his base. So Europe he chose and to Japan he was sent.

Simon Wiesenthal (1908- 2005) and his legacy Print E-mail

It was November of 1979 and I missed my opportunity to interview Simon Wiesenthal in the comfort of my own home. It was not that I was late. He was rather too early for me. I was seven and at the time unable to appreciate the significance of our dinner guest.

My parents, Howard & Joan Cohen, were co-chairpersons of the NJ Jewish Federation of Northern Middlesex County's Young Leadership Council. They saved the many letters they received from people touched by the experience of merely hearing him speak in a packed auditorium on November 4, 1979.

Noah Klieger - a true hero Print E-mail

One is not likely to meet many people in their lifetime who are more remarkable than Noah Klieger. At eighty-one he still resembles the boxer he once claimed to be in his fight for survival.

Noah will tell you though that his survival is nothing short of a miracle. He explains that each day survival in Auschwitz could only be explained through miracles. It was not sufficient to be ‘merely' industrious, capable and strong you were, though Noah has proven that he is all of these things. He states that all that separated the survivors from the condemned was how many miracles happened to keep you alive. “It took at least one per day, sometimes ten or more to merely make it to see another day.” As he explains, 1.5 million people were murdered in Auschwitz. Only about 45,000 were able to live to tell the story.

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